The Greater You

Let it Out
Pastor Chris tells us that this power should by no means be hidden and lying dormant inside of us. Should a light in a darkened room never be switched on? Should a rushing stream of water be blocked from flowing? The glorious power is there and stifling the current of energy can be damaging to us.

“The glory of God that’s been deposited within you isn’t meant to be hidden. God’s dream is to see you search out the hidden treasures in your earthen vessel by means of the Spirit, so you can have that glory unveiled and made manifest to the world.”
The man of God tells us to work hard at releasing this power, or as he calls it “hidden treasures.” These treasures give us all of the victories in the world and they are right there inside of us.

The Unlucky
While many of us are fortunate enough to access that hidden treasure deep within, there are those who sadly leave this earth without ever having as much of a glimpse into this spiritual goldmine.
According to Pastor Chris “many have lived and died without having the glorious one in them unveiled. They lived and died as the weak, outer earthen vessel only. All the world saw of them was the outer case that had covered the glorious one within. But there’s a greater “you” within that no one has seen yet, and God’s dream is that you’ll discover him and let him out. All the success, victories, and glories you could have been in you: therefore, let them out the greatness encapsulated in your spirit.”

Be the King
Unlocking the treasures begins first and foremost with belief in yourself. No man or woman is faultless, and everyone should know their limitations but that does not mean it’s impossible to access your hidden treasures. John declared “that was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world” (John 1:19). God’s Word is the only light that can help you locate that greater one in you. That light will show you who you really are: a king that has the power to decree a thing have it established unto you.
The man of God references Corinthians.

“As you look at the glory of God in the mirror, you’re metamorphosed into the image of God’s glory that you see (2 Corinthians 3:18).
Find your hidden treasures and claim the king you were born to be.

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