Be a Healing Evangelist

Not only is Reachout World Live with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome the largest celebration of the Lordship of Jesus and the word and Soul-Winning Crusade, but you can also bless someone in your world with the Healing to the Nations Magazine and preserve that life with God’s Word.

You can spread faith with the Healing School to the Nations Magazine and can put a smile on someone’s face by sharing it with those people in your sphere of contact.

Reach that 7 billion mandate

We are part of the 7 billion mandate. We have faith, we have grace.

“Therefore, as ye abound in everything, in faith, and utterance, and knowledge, and in all diligence, and in your love to us, see that ye abound in this grace also.”  2 Corinthians 8:7

This weekend we heard inspiring testimonies from people all over the world who encountered the healing power of God from participating in various programs of the Healing School, at the Global Miracle Faith Seminar.

This special program is designed to deliver God’s Word to you concerning your health and lifestyle of faith.

On the Impact of the July 2022 Healing Streams Live Healing Services. The Global Miracle Faith Seminar is a special program of the Healing School which presents a beautiful opportunity to celebrate awesome miracles from the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris.

Following the July 2022 Healing Streams, it was an extraordinary time of the miraculous, where many experienced healing and diverse manifold expressions of God’s supernatural intervention worldwide. The August 2022 edition of the Global Miracle Faith Seminar was a special time for reliving such accounts of transformation.

Testimonies Resound

The testimonies from the Healing Streams will continue to resound all over the world for the time to come.

One such is the testimony of Seraphin. Seraphin experienced bleeding from her fingers, heavy menstrual bleeding, and sleeplessness. She also had a fibroid in her uterus and suffered from urinary tract infection, among other health issues. Seraphine participated in the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with high expectations for a miracle.

During the service, when the man of God, Pastor Chris declared healing for the sick on the second day, she experienced a divine encounter. She heard the man of God call her name and instantly the power of God went through her body. By the time she got up, her miracle had taken place. Now, her health is restored completely, and she testifies that she could run, jump and do basic things that she couldn’t do before.

In 2018, Joseph suffered a stroke. This condition led to difficulty in walking. While participating in the Live Healing Services, he was touched by the healing power of God, testifying that something left his body. He stood immediately and began to walk unaided. Joseph is healed indeed!

From India, a man who had been in a coma for two months came back to life after participating in the Live Healing Services. The next day, he jumped into his car and drove for the first time in a while.

Past editions of the Global Miracle Faith Seminar saw many testify of glorious healing miracles and unbelievable changes that took place in their lives as a result of their participation.

Sharing his testimony from the April 2022 edition, Joe from the Netherlands says: “I got amazing revelations while Reverend Ray was ministering. It is beyond words. Before this program, I was determined to deal with certain issues that had come up in my body. While on it, I saw the notification that the Global Miracle Faith Seminar was on and I connected. While participating, I acted on the Word and received healing in my eyes instantly. A growth dematerialized and some other pains left my body. Thank you so much Healing School for the beautiful event. Indeed, the Word works.”

Also from South Africa, Mxibisi says: “Months ago, I was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in my lower abdomen. But as I was watching the Global Miracle Faith Seminar, I felt a warm sensation and I vomited. Later on, I visited my doctor for a check-up, and he confirmed that the tumor is gone! I’m healed completely.”

It’s your turn to testify and your set time for a miracle! Join us in this extraordinary time of fellowship as we reach many across the world with God’s healing power.

There are also remarkable testimonies featured on Healing Streams Testimonies Live every weekend at 4:00 pm (GMT+1). You can join the show and witness miraculous accounts of God’s healing power, which was demonstrated during the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris at, via the Healing School mobile app, or on any of the Loveworld networks.

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